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The meeting was held in the Mary Hawley Room at the Town Hall and was called to order at 7:35.
PRESENT: Dan Holmes(via phone), Ted Kreinik, Dave Stout and Kathy Quinn. ABSENT: Pam Buchler, Ryan Clancy, Neil Perone and Ben Toby.
MINUTES: Ted motioned to accept the minutes from the Feb. meeting and Dave seconded.
PUBLIC COMMENT:  Steve Price and Seth Barrett from Boy Scout Troop 370 attended the meeting along with Steve’s mother Jody.  They were attending the meeting as part of their program and had some questions for the Committee regarding the placement of the solar panels on the Reed School.  Dan answered their questions saying that the preliminary work has been done and we are awaiting word from the State as to exactly when the installation will take place.  The committee also encouraged them to go back to the other Troop members and encourage them to have their families sign up for the Clean Energy Options program through CL&P and we gave them additional information about that program.  Dave talked about the work that has already been done to reduce electrical usage in the schools and town buildings.  We also encouraged them to attend the Earth Day event to be held on April 25th at the Middle School.  Steve and Seth also noted that our Web site –  should be linked to the task force site on the Town Web page and that it would also be a good idea to have it linked to the school web sites.  This will be addressed.
Earth Day – Dan brought us up to date on the status of the Earth Day event.  Over 50 vendors are expected and the day will start off with an ecumenical service at 7:00 a.m. at the top of Castle Hill Rd. There will be plenty of events for children .  The banner is expected to be in place by Tue. The 21st over Queen Street.  
5K Grant – Dan and Kathy to follow up on this project.
Web Hosting – Dave reported that this is complete.  Dave also informed us that he will be out of town for the next three months on business.
Meeting with Selectmen – Ted distributed copies of the final draft for our proposed organizational structure for the Sustainable Energy Commission. He made a motion to thank Nancy Martin of Orange Pippin Rd. Sandy Hook, for her reviewing and editing this document. The motion was seconded by Dave and passed. Ted will get copies to the Selectmen for their review prior to scheduling this proposal for a future Selectmen’s Meeting.
Constellation Contract – There were concerns upon hearing that this contract had been renewed for an additional year. Dan will get a copy of the contract for review.